
We currently focus on designing and producing customized, dedicated software for industry, which can be classified as dedicated expert systems of advisory type. We use advanced IT techniques as well as mathematical and numerical models. We have developed our copyright algorithms for problem solving and analysing real industrial technologies.

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Expirience years


We strive to create the type of IT systems that are as configurable as possible at the stage of system implementation by the user, be it a technologist or a process engineer, i.e. non-IT specialists. As a result, the data and information-flow model is created by those who have the best knowledge of the technological process in progress. When designing such systems, it is difficult to determine the final shape and all functions of the software. We take into consideration all changing requirements. We make use of agile methods as the system is being designed by interdisciplinary teams.

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Our firm was founded in 1989 by a group of people associated with the then state-owned PETROINFORM company, which was one of Poland’s largest computing centres working for the country’s industry. Among the founders were: the first chairman, the late Lucjan Wiaderek, and the current chairman, Adam Sury. The company, then known as the Przedsiębiorstwo Komputerowych Systemów Sterowania “PETROSTER” (PETROSTER Computer Control Systems Company), operated until 2002. It is then that we changed the name of the company into the INFOSTER sp. z o.o. under which we have been operating until today. Originally closely linked with the Rafineria Gdańska (Gdańsk Rafinery), later with the LOTOS S.A. Group and currently with the Rafineria Gdańska sp. z o.o. , we have created the Bilans, a dedicated system for balancing energy media, which has been in operation until today, as well as the Aster, an innovative adaptive control system.

Key dates

Start: 1989
Founding of the company under the original name of PETROSTER. Its goal was to develop a production balancing system for the Gdańskie Zakłady Rafineryjne (Rafineria Gdańska sp. z o.o.) and to carry . . .
First big modification
First major modification of the Bilans expert system for the Rafineria Gdańska S.A.
Change of name
Change of the company’s name into the INFOSTER sp. z o.o.
2005 - 2012 - 2014
System modifications for LOTOS S.A.
Subsequent modifications to the Bilans expert system for the Grupa LOTOS S.A. (formerly the Gdańskie Zakłady Rafineryjne, Rafineria Gdańska S.A., currently the Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o.).
Beginning of cooperation with the Austrian company COPA-DATA. COPA-DATA is the world’s leading producer of the zenon HMI/SCADA software.
In 2011 we decided to expand our activities: in addition to dedicated specialised software, we began to focus on the integration of IT and industrial automation systems. Currently, this area of activi. . .
As a consortium member of an INNOLOT project: Advanced foundry technologies - INNOCAST, together with the WSK RZESZÓW as the project coordinator and the Rzeszów University of Technology, the Warsaw . . .
Beginning of the cooperation with the Polskie Zakłady Lotnicze MIELEC (MIELEC State Aviation Works), currently owned by the Lockheed Martin consortium, the project being aimed at developing the ART s. . .
Designing and producing of an expert system software at the W67 Department at the CPP Poland (formerly WSK Rzeszów, Pratt & Whitney).
New cooperation
Signing of a cooperation agreement with the Consolidated Precision Products Sp. z o.o. (CPP Poland) to maintain and develop the expert system.
2022 - 2023
New module
The MRP (Monthly Production Settlement) software is an advanced process data analysis system. Currently, the Bilans system is used at the Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o.

“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” (Alan Kay)